Privacy Policy
Copyright ©. All rights reserved. All trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the Site are our property or the property of other third-parties. You are not permitted to use these Marks without our prior written consent or the consent of such third parties which may own the Marks.
All interactions with Chantal Heide in a COACHING capacity, including scheduling of or attendance at appointments, the content of your sessions, progress in counselling, and your records are confidential. You may request in writing that Chantal Heide release specific information about your counselling to persons you designate.
If there is evidence of clear and imminent danger of harm to self and/or others, Chantal Heide is legally required to report this information to the authorities responsible for ensuring safety.
If Chantal Heide learns of, or strongly suspects, physical or sexual abuse or neglect of any person under 18 years of age she must report this information to child protection services.
A court order, issued by a judge, may require Chantal Heide to release information contained in records and/or testify in a court hearing.
We appreciate prompt arrival for appointments. Please notify us if you will be late. Twenty-four hour notice of cancellation allows us to use the time for others.
Fan mail:
PO Box 621
St Jacobs, Ontario
N0B 2N0